Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Once again, Ni hao!

Hola people! Okay... I know, I know, I haven't posted in like... two weeks? But I've been busy... and I still am busy, but I decided to take a quick break before I EXPLODE! Anyhow.... 中秋节快乐!!! Zhong Qiu Jie Kuai Le!!! That means "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival" in case you were wondering... which is today... Though, I haven't done much to celebrate it, since it's hard to celebrate the glory of the moon and the harvest time without eating any moon cakes or having to harvest anything... Though I probably should harvest my lost brain cells... sigh... if that even makes any sense?

I am loathing school at the moment... I swear that teachers believe that students are actually robots that are able to spend their whole lives doing homework without any kind of sleep or most importantly, A SOCIAL LIFE!!! UGh.... I am NOT happy right now... Math is making NO sense... and I've been working on it since... 4pm today and now it's 9pm. And I know I only have 7 more problems left, but it's just not clicking with me! I swear that I did the whole assignment wrong, but I am too tired to go and check... Sigh... when will this all end?!?!

So, I'll try not to keep going off on a negative note... Um... I sold my old Ipod Touch in order to get a new Ipod Touch 4G. My old one was 3G, so I think it was a good trade. :D Anyhow.... I'd better get going again on my stupid homework... I may just give up and work on it tomorrow at lunch... Sigh...

Oh yeah, I forgot if I ever mentioned that I was going to homecoming... yeah... should be... interesting... sigh....

With all my love... and frustration,

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