Friday, July 22, 2011

Long time no post....

Wow, I kind of totally forgot about blogging... Not like anyone reads it anyways. But blogging takes up time, and right now I just need to find as many ways to spend time as possible! At least during the summer, and especially since I'm finished with Startalk which structured all of my time, so I didn't have to worry about how to spend it.... And right now, I'm feeling like a social recluse since a vast majority of my friends are out of town and having fun... And also, I'm not quite used to a quiet life, after always having people over at our dorms at Startalk.

Startalk is a Chinese language camp at BYU if you didn't know that... I went last year, and it was FANTASTIC! But this year... it was a little bit disorganized, and a ton more stressful! Even though, it was great to see some old friends, and meet some new ones as well. :) I wish I could just take them back to Bountiful with me... but sadly, most of them live at least an hour away... which isn't far... I just need to find the time and the money for gas to do so. But right now... there are a ton of people that I miss that I haven't seen for a looooong time. Okay, it's only been about a month... but... I miss them soooo much!!! Sigh.... Communication by texting is just not the same...

Anyways, today has been a day of cleaning and cooking. We are apparently having 30 people over for a July 24th celebration. Tonight there will be fireworks and such nearby, but we can see them at our house. It should be pretty cool.

Speaking of cool things, my mom redecorated my room! It's no longer an attrocious pink color that I apparently loved when I was 8! I hated it, but now my walls are white and the room is accented with red and black! It's sooo pretty! I love it! I may post pictures... if I have time... or even remember... but I don't know how long that will take, since I've misplaced my camera cord... and I need to charge my camera battery... but don't worry, I'll try to be more current with my posts! :) Especially during my senior year in high school, because I've pledged to document my year for memories... Besides, I need something to remind myself of the "good ol' days" when I'm 90+. Haha!

Alright, I guess I'd better go to act social, people have already come. Bye!

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