Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Good Morning!!!

Good morning loverly people!!! How is life in coconut land?.... Okay... I don't know what that is supposedly supposed to mean... I think I'm losing it... Ah well! This morning is great so far! Though, in about less than 15 minutes, I need to go and do some important things... like clean my room, do an online class and also wash my fish's bowl.

Anyhow... I really have no reason for posting this except for the fact that I'm in a good mood. So... I need some stuff to fill in this post... Maybe I'll enter in the first entry of my Chinese Startalk adventure. I had started writing everyday about what happened... but that only lasted for like 4 days, since after that I was too busy to do anything except for homework... Anyhoo... I'll post it right underneath this paragraph.

Chinese Startalk Entry One!

Day 1

Wan shang hao da jia! Wo zi BYU Startalk xue zhong wen. Good evening everyone! (For it is evening now as I type this) I’m here at BYU Startalk to learn Chinese. So far, it’s been hen hao (very good) and wo xue hen duo, hen duo (and I’ve learned a ton). I don’t have Internet access that I’ve been able to find in my dorm, but I figured it is good enough to write things as they happen.

I guess I should start at the beginning of my day, though most of it has seemed to blur together. It first started out (after arriving which took a long time since my mom and I got lost CONSTANTLY) I went to register. Upon registering, I was given a nifty cool backpack that only hangs on one shoulder, a text book, a binder with too much info, and then, last but not least, a very awesome water bottle! I mean, it is really cool! I don’t know how I’ll describe it… but I have to tell you, it’s my favorite. :D

I then sat through a very long orientation. It was full of a ton of info, and some of the speakers were amusing, but I was hungry the whole time. But soon enough, it came time for me to part with my mother (I miss you!) and then go to lunch! I was immediately overwhelmed by the vast amount of foods available! Everything I tried was hen hao chi (very delicious). It was almost like being on a cruise ship… and it was fun tasting the few dishes I took.

Afterwords, we parted ways and went to class… It started out with a pre-test, which was rather difficult I must admit. It was mostly written in characters… and my teachers never taught me characters…. Other than that, I understand everything orally spoken; it’s just that I’m off balanced. Oh! In another class, I also learned how to type in Chinese… which I can’t do now, since I have no way of loading the program to my computer due to the lack of internet connection….

Dinner was after, and everything was as good as lunch. I sat with a few people that I know from my loverly hometown… Ooh, and I also tried a dessert, just because of its name! It was called “Chocolate fluff in a cloud…” Isn’t that interesting? It tasted alright, but I kept laughing at the name. :D

After dinner, we had to have a study time where we passed off some dialog… I passed it off, though, I still want to study the written characters due to the fact that it’s all Greek to me (well… technically it’s Chinese to me… but still… :D ) Afterwords, we’ve been having free time separated by a few meetings… I’m tired… but I’m trying to decide if I should take a shower now, or in the morning… I always shower in the mornings… but I don’t think I’ll have time… I’ll go shower now so I won’t have to worry!

Good night people! Wan an!


So there you have it. Dang... reading it brings back memories of the good old days when I was still at BYU having my brain washed with Chinese.... I should really start practicing my writing and speaking.... I don't want to lose it... Okay, I'll start practicing after my fish's bowl is clean...

Oh, by the way, I finally named my fish! His name is Prince Arthur, and he was named after the Prince Arthur in the Merlin TV series. Arthur is vain, and so is my fish. Arthur wears red a lot, and my fish is red. Arthur has blue eyes, and so does my fish. Arthur is hot, and my fish would be considered pretty attractive in the fish world. :D Lol!

Okay, well, I'd better go... I only have like 4 more minutes to waist before I have to get to work doing important things that don't include riding unicorns...



1 comment:

  1. Geez, you Chinese speaker you. I wish i could speak a foreign language.


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